Substance Info


Other names: 25-I-NBOMe, 25I, 2C-I-NBOMe, Bom-25, N-Bomb, NBOMe, Novel Psychoactive Substance (NSP), Pandora, Phenethylamines, Psychedelics, Solaris


Other names: Designer Drugs, Mexxy, MKet, MXE (Rhino Ket, Novel Psychoactive Substance (NSP), Research Chemical (RC), Special K


Other names: 2F-NENDCK (CanKET), 3-HO-PCP, Arylcyclohexylamines, Designer Drugs, K, Ketamine, Mexxy), PCP, PCP Analogues, Research Chemicals (RCs), Tiletamine (Polar Bear Ket)


Other names: 4-MMC / Mephedrone, Bath Salts, Cathinone, Eutylone, M-CAT, MDPV, Meow, Methedrone, N-Ethylpentylone, Novel Psychoactive Substance (NSP), Pentylone, Research Chemical (RC)

Performance and Image Enhancing Drugs (PIEDs)

Other names: A's, Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids (AAS), Andro, Arnies, Caseys, Gym Candy, HGH, Human Growth Hormone (HGH), PEIDs, Performance and Image Enhancing Drugs (PIEDs), Pumpers, Roids, Steroids, Vets' Drugs, Weight Trainers


Other names: Bupe, Grapes, Grey Nurses, Greys, Hillbilly Heroin, Kickers, Lean, MS Contin, OC, Oranges, Ox, Oxy, Purple Drank, Subbies


Other names: Adds, Dexis, Fast, Goey, Louis, Ox Blood, Pep, Speed, Uppers, Whip, Whizz


Other names: Blow, Charlie, Coke, Cola, Nose Beers, Nose Candy, Powder, Rack, Snow, Toot, Yay-yo


Other names: Black Tar, China White, Gear, H, Hammer, Harry, Homebake, Horse, Junk, Skag, Smack, The Dragon


Other names: Blue Meanies, Food of the Gods, FunGuys, Gold Tops, Goldies, Liberty Caps, Magic Mushrooms, Mushies, Shrooms


Other names: Benzo, Benzodiazepine, BZ, Downer, Moggies, Normies, Rohypnol, Serras, Sleepers, Tranx, Valium, Vals, Xanax, Xannies, Xans


Other names: Aya (Ayahuasca), Changa, Deems, Dimitri, Spice, The Sacrament, The Spirit Molecule


Other names: Acid, Alice, Blotters, Cid, Cubes, Dots, Drops, Liquid, Lucy, Microdots, Tabs, Trips


Other names: Booze, Brew, Charge, Goon, Grog, Liquid Gold, Longneck, Moonshine, Piss, Shots, Tallie

Nitrous Oxide

Other names: Balloons, Bulbs, Hippy Crack, Laughing Gas, N2O, Nangs, Nitro, Nos, Whippets


Other names: Bickies, Caps, Eccies, Flippers, Ginger, Googs, M, MD, Molly, Pills, Pingas, X, XTC