Steroid Checking Project Results!

Steroid Checking Trial background: Globally, 3.3% of the population uses image and performance enhancing drugs (IPEDs) [1]. In a rapidly growing market [2, 3], counterfeit and substandard IPEDs are prevalent (>66%), highlighting issues of misrepresentation and inconsistency in product composition [4, 5]. There is potential for severe physical (e.g., cardiovascular event) and psychological consequences (e.g., … Continued

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What is the Steroid Research Project?

Help make STEROID CHECKING a reality! WE NEED HELP FROM THE STEROID COMMUNITY! Currently steroids are unable to be drug tested in any of the fixed sites around Australia and are being left behind in progressive harm reduction approaches How can you help? Bring your gear (Vials + Tablets) To the CheQpoint drug checking service … Continued

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Redefining Harm Reduction and Rethinking Policy for Performance and Image Enhancing Drug Consumers [webinar]

This webinar challenged the current state of the criminalisation of steroid use, explored innovative harm reduction strategies, and reinvigorated engagement with PIED users through peer leadership, drug checking, and policy design. This webinar was first published by NDARC University of NSW Sept 4 2023. Presented by Dr Timonthy Piatkowski

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Community care/harm reduction for people who use enhancement drugs – Dr Timothy Piatkowski [webinar]

This presentation will discuss several peer-led research projects which have explored the harm reduction practices of those who use performance and image enhancing drugs from the perspective of their lived-living experience. The challenges of the community in operating within the structures of current public health responses and drug policy are examined. Dr Timothy Piatowski is … Continued

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RESEARCH – Community health and harm reduction

This is a list of relevant research we have put together for the community of people who use steroids and understanding health and harm reduction in relation to steroid use. 1. Adverse Effects of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids: A Literature Review: 2. Health consequences of androgenic anabolic steroid use: 3. Anabolic Steroids and Cardiovascular Outcomes: … Continued

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RESEARCH – QuIVAAs PIED & Steroid List

One of our very our at QuIVAA, Dr Timothy Piatkowski, has been busy in 2024 developing much needed research in the area of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids! Here is a list we’ve put together of all the PEID and Steroid research that has been published! 1. Performance and image enhancing drug use among Australian women: The role … Continued

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Peds, Tren Smell & Safe Use [The Platform Podcast]

The Platform Podcast Episode 192 – Peds, Tren Smell & Safe Use Dr Tim Piatowski is back on with the boys researching and creating more awareness around safe use of performance enhancing drugs. A very interesting topic as per usual attracting a lot of attention in the industry. To find out more information on what … Continued

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Harm Reduction on Steroids with Tim Piatkowski [Lifters League Podcast]

In this episode of Lifters League, they chat to Tim Piatkowski, a researcher in harm reduction for Image and Performance Enhancing Drugs. They discuss the social cultural influences and the pressure it puts on both men and women to enhance image and performance. They look at the current strategies in place to educate and reduce … Continued

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PED use safety with Tim & Josh [The Platform Podcast]

The Platform Podcasts – Tim & Josh – Episode 99 A widely, sometimes controversial debate about the use of PED’s in sport and aiding performance. The Platform Podcast sit down with two returning guests, Dr Tim Piatkowski and Josh Tait talking all things of safe PED use and some very important factors in whether deciding … Continued

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PED Harm Reduction & Health Management [Lifters League Podcast]

PED Harm Reduction & Health Management featuring: Victoria Felkar, Scott McNally, Gus Cooke & Tim Piatkowski Sep 13, 2023 Lifters League Podcast In this riveting episode, Lifters League delve deep into the complex world of Performance-Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) with a panel of experts who bring a wealth of knowledge from academia, coaching, and the fitness … Continued

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