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The brutality that was old school Hep C treatment

The brutality that was old school Hep C treatment…   So, I had Hep C. Strain 1.A.   This was the early 2000’s.   It was a shitty time for Hep C treatment, but FAR better than the outcome that people with the previously classed, non-A non-B Hepatitis had. Before they isolated Hepatitis C as … Continued

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If We’re in it, Then We’re in it Together

I am a 22 year old girl. I completed year 12, completed a diploma in community welfare work, worked for the Department of Communities and other drug and alcohol organisations. I have traveled around Europe and currently study at university while working full-time as a health promotion welfare worker. I rent my own unit on … Continued

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Discovering Hep C

I’ve dabbled with drugs i.e. speed, acid and cannabis since I was a teenager and I started using Heroin in 1989 (when the Heroin was still good). I was 25. My partner and I moved to Queensland in 1991 to escape our habits but of course our habits followed us and we ended up at … Continued

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Thoughts of a Boomer ex-user

Getting on in life, one tends to ponder and reflect on crazy times and try to make some not crazy sense of it all. So it goes with my using. I’m 58 and started serious using at 17. Over the years I’ve had long bouts of messy high intensity using, and long bouts of abstinence, … Continued

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