Zig Zag Young Women’s Resource Centre Inc.

Zig Zag provides a place of healing, support, and social action and change for young women aged 12-25 years. As a feminist service, we are committed to working alongside young women and acknowledging their expertise in their own lives. We acknowledge that social, political, cultural and economic contexts limits young women’s power, creating vulnerability and … Continued

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Youth Transition from Care Program (TPCSI)

The TPCSI, enables young people (15- 21) who are under the guardianship of the Department of Child Safety or have exited the statutory care in the past, to learn new skills and become independent. This service is offered at Gold Coast and Logan, and aims to provide support as early as possible and avoid negative … Continued

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Flat Out

Flat Out is a state-wide homelessness support and advocacy service for women 18+ (with/without children), who have had contact with the criminal justice and/or prison system in Victoria. They provide individualised support for women 18+ (with/without children) to address homelessness, drug and alcohol treatment and a range of other support and advocacy aimed at addressing the … Continued

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Pathways Home

An outreach case management support program for young people aged 10-24, residing in Western Sydney who have been involved with the criminal justice system and need support for drug and/or alcohol misuse. The Pathways Home Program works with young people whilst in custody and post-release in the community. Transitional workers offer pre-release support, planning, and … Continued

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Open Doors Youth Service

Open Doors Youth Service is Queensland’s leading LGBTIQAP+ youth homelessness service. They provide support to young people with diverse genders, sex and sexualities. They are based in Brisbane but provide outreach in varying capacities.  If you are located out of South East Queensland they can still try provide support to link you in with safe … Continued

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Life Without Barriers

Life Without Barriers provides care and support services across Australia in urban, rural and remote locations with child, youth and family (foster, residential, after care, youth justice), disability (support, accommodation, health), aged care and offered only in South Australia AOD counselling and case management

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Next Step Plus (QLD)

Next Step is a QLD statewide service that provides young people between the ages of 15 and 25 who’ve been in foster care or other out-of-home arrangements, support to build independent lives. Head to the website to find your nearest location and contact number.

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Micah Projects (QLD)

Micah Projects are located in West End, Brisbane and provide a range of support and advocacy services to individuals and families according to their needs and capacity. They aim to respond to people who experience exclusion, poverty, injustice and social isolation so that they may experience inclusion, economic wellbeing, justice and connection within their community … Continued

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LawRight Homeless Persons Legal Clinic

LawRight has provided a list of Legal advice and representation for people who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or live in public housing.

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Brisbane Youth Service (QLD)

Located in the Fortitude Valley (Brisbane), they support homeless and disadvantaged young people (aged 12-25 years) and their children, to secure and maintain housing. They provide emergency support and a range of services to assist young people to address physical & mental health issues, establish successful relationships & support networks and access pathways to education … Continued

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Community Restorative Centre (Sydney – NSW)

CRC aims to change lives positively by supporting people affected by the criminal justice system. They provide a range of practical and emotional support, as well as assisting people to build sustainable pathways out of the criminal justice system and into the community. Services include casework/ housing support, alcohol & other drugs, court support scheme, … Continued

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