Psychedelics can appear in many shapes and forms, Whether they take shape as fresh seeds, dried mushrooms, or pure, isolated crystals, the effects of different psychedelics are often similar, with many consumers encountering mystical experiences and the amplification of their set and setting.

This poster helps predict the power of psychedelic effects — microdose, threshold, light, common, strong, heavy — based on the weight of the dose.* The poster also highlights the natural forms of different psychedelics. By maintaining awareness of how psychedelics relate to the environment, we hope to encourage sustainability and ecological care.

Authored by Dr Liam Engel, designed by Sandi Lucock. For more information on psychoactive dosage and harm reduction, be sure to check out PsychCombo.

*Please note that dosage weights in this poster are general estimates. Plants are incredibly variable and some are much more (or less) potent than others. Psychedelic potency is often different for each individual natural psychedelic container, even if they are identical species or cultivars.

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