As I walk past in the busy street,
There sits a homeless man begging for food to eat,
As I look around at the people walking past,
They stare at you and continue on their own path,
I look into your eyes and I see the pain,
You are isolated from society,
And that they are to blame,
You don’t bother anyone as you sit there all alone,
Your content as you call a box your home,
My heart goes out to you the poor man on the street,
I give you some change to put shoes on your feet,
I wonder about your past and if anyone knows you’re here,
Where your family is and if they would shed a tear,
I ask the old man what brought him to the streets,
And why he would choose to live here with no shoes on his feet,
He replied with great honesty in his voice,
A life of drinking and drugging took away my choice,
I lost my home and children because of what I had done,
At the time I didn’t realize what my life would become,
And now I’m an addict living my life alone,
And because of my actions I don’t have friend’s too phone,
I replied to him ‘why didn’t you stop’,
He looked at me and started to sob,
‘I’m an addict and that’s all I know’,
A life of regret, pain and misery that is all I have to show,
It’s too late for me girl the damage is done,
Tell my story to those that continue to use drugs,
Those young blokes those wana’ be thugs,
What they will say is that ‘it will never happen to me’,
But I swear to you girl it will be a matter of time,
Before they are in my place having one thing on their mind,
So go on young girl, tell my story as I have told you,
And hopefully with your words something will get through.