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Stigma & Language

Stigma & Language Our survey shows that many people have experiences of discrimination or stigma because of their drug use, with majority coming from their own family or friends. This then followed from the wider community, the police and healthcare services. Some ways to tackle stigma with family and friends. It can be really hard … Continued

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Stigma of Overdose and Why Awareness is Important

Stigma of Overdose and Why Awareness is Important Stigma – There is a stigma around substance use and overdoses caused by substances. This can create a barrier to seeking treatment and in having support from family and friends because of a lack of understanding around how substances can affect a person. The notion that the … Continued

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Thoughts of a Boomer ex-user

Getting on in life, one tends to ponder and reflect on crazy times and try to make some not crazy sense of it all. So it goes with my using. I’m 58 and started serious using at 17. Over the years I’ve had long bouts of messy high intensity using, and long bouts of abstinence, … Continued

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